Today’s puzzle pictured above for the Paleographical Challenge. Suggested solution to yesterday’s challenge:
Termino Pasche Anno regni domini
nostri Regis Caroli, decimo tertio 1637 [i.e. In the Easter law term, in the thirteenth year of King Charles’ reign, 1637]
fff the 14th of ffebruarij - A paire of gold waightes…………….1 paire of gold waights
more & a pound of Cotten wool……………………………………….& a pound of Cotten wooll
more & a pound of soft waxe…………………………………………..& a pound of soft waxe
fff the 16th of ffebruarij - 4 dozen of Bagges…………………….4 dozen of Bagges
fff the 17th of ffebruarij one quart of incke………………………..j quart of incke
more one pound of packthredd…………………………………………j pound of packthredd
ff the 18th of ffebruarij - one leather bottle with incke………..j bottle with incke
more one leather bagg with sand………………………………………j bagg with sand
more 4 quires of demy pap………………………………………………4 quires of demy pap
One of a set of accounts for writing materials submitted by the clerks of the Exchequer. England, 1637. Osborn fb131