Today’s puzzle pictured above for the Paleographical Challenge. Suggested solution to yesterday’s challenge shown below:
Innedeede goode Spencerre, whenne
thourte praysedde tis notte vayne
Flatterye butte thatte whyche thou
doste trewlye merytte.
Wm Shakspere
Forgeries by William Henry Ireland in a copy of the 1590 edition of Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, rebound with transcriptions by Ireland’s father, Samuel Ireland. 2014 160, pp. 2-3
If your curiosity is piqued by the Ireland forgeries, visit Cathy Nicholson’s “the spelling fo no time,” a discussion of this book in her exhibit vitrine, part of the Beinecke Library exhibition, “Subscribed: The Manuscript in Britain, 1500-1800.”