Early Modern British, European, and Osborn Collections
The early modern European collections support the study of readers and reading, literature, history, the history of science, and the spread of humanist culture from 1500 to 1800.
Subscribed: The Manuscript in Britain, 1500-1800 is on display through Sunday, April 19 at the Beinecke, 121 Wall Street, New Haven. To find out more about the exhibit, and to view and download the exhibition brochure, visit beinecke.library.yale.edu/subscribed. Also on the page is a calendar of related events, videos related to the exhibit, and information on how to play the Paleographic Challenge 2020, where participants can test their manuscript mettle with items from the early modern British manuscript collection. “Our motto: strength and beauty through paleography.”
“Steal away from work and study, forsake your crosswords and your spelling bees!” proclaims Kathryn James, curator of early modern books and manuscripts at the...
Today’s puzzle pictured above for the Paleographical Challenge . [Suggested solution to yesterday’s challenge : To make a good Red rulin Inke Take fyne...