Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities

New acquisitions, unique documents, and visual and textual curiosities from the collections.
  • The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

    Gertrude Stein at Beinecke

    October 19, 2012

    “Descriptions of Literature”: Texts and Contexts in the Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas Papers Exhibition on view October 8–December 14, 2012 “ Gertrude...
  • Front cover: Drawing by Richard [Bruce] Nugent

    Richard Bruce Nugent Papers

    October 8, 2012

    The James Weldon Johnson Memorial Collection at the Beinecke Library is pleased to announce that the Richard Bruce Nugent Papers are now available for research...
  • Façade (première partie)

    October 8, 2012

    Pages from Façade, a magazine published approximately twice yearly in Paris between 1976 – 1983. Taking inspiration from Interview Magazine, Façade covered...
  • Thornton Wilder's 52nd Birthday

    Happy Birthday, Aeon!

    October 3, 2012

    Room 26 congratulates Moira Fitzgerald and the Beinecke’s Access Services staff on the resounding success of Aeon, the Beinecke Library’s online...
  • And what if ‘no birds sing’?

    September 24, 2012

    September 27 marks the 50th anniversary of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring , published by Houghton Mifflin in 1962, a provocative work that explores the...
  • The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library

    This Week at the Beinecke

    September 17, 2012

    Arnold Rampersad “Reflections on Nationalism & Literature” Tuesday, September 18 | 4:00 PM Arnold Rampersad is one of the nation’s premier...
  • Funny rhymes!

    September 10, 2012

    Ye Comical Rhymes of Ancient Times, Dug Up Into Jokes For Small Folks (New York: Hurd & Houghton, circa 1864) Laughing! Out! Loud!!!
  • Next Stop . . . Planet Hershel

    September 4, 2012

    A late 18th century guide to astronomy listing the most recent observations. Included in the list of known planets is a then-recent discovery, a planet named “...
  • Papagallo, Struzzo, and Bubola

    August 29, 2012

    Images of birds from a compilation of engraved plates: Eillars, Giovanni. Varii Et Diversi Uccelli Cavati Dal Naturale Et Intaglate [“sic”] in Rame … Dno...