General Public

Art and Protest - Archiving, History, and Social Movement Culture

People organizing to improve their lives and communities produce culture, and that culture is central to social change. But what happens when the demo is over and the placards are strewn in the street? When a movement’s history is rolled up in a box under someone’s bed? Josh MacPhee (a cofounder of both Interference Archive and the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative) will discuss the contentious roles of institutions, art making, and archiving in the writing the histories of social transformation.

Revisiting the Past—Imagining the Future Exhibition Opening

The first exhibition of 2023 features books, manuscripts, andvisual materials from many different time periods and locations. On view are items that can foster inquiry and creativity for future research, while preserving the past for study and inspiration. Selected by curators from the Beinecke Library, subject specialists in the Area Studies department of Sterling Memorial Library, and Yale undergraduates, the exhibition presents focused lessons in pairing the old with the new.

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