Rebecca Emily Berne
Department of English Language and Literature
The Short Story Cycle and American Literary Modernism
Robin Bernstein
Yale University (African-American Studies and American Studies)
Racial Innocence: Performing Childhood, Femininity, and White Supremacy in the United States
Harvard University
Racial Innocence: The Uses of Childhood in U.S. Racial Formation, 1852-1930
Harvard University / Yale University (American Studies)
Jen Bervin
Measuring the Sun
Arne Bialuschewski
Trent University
Daniel Defoe and Nathaniel Mist: The Construction of Contrasting Characters
Eric Bianchi
Yale University (Music)
Center of the World: Athanasius Kircher at the Jesuit College of Rome
Kate Birkbeck
Yale University
The Security of a Free State: Private Arms and Public Order in the United States and the World, 1865-1915.
Elizabeth Bischof
University of Southern Maine
Maine/Modern: Georgetown, Maine, and American Modernism through a Collaborative Lens
Elizabeth Bishop
Yale University (Architecture)
The Infrastructure of Empire: London's Liquid Networks
Mark Bland
De Montfort University
The Poems of Ben Jonson: Oxford University Press
Open University, England
Jonson, Donne and the Circulation of Manuscripts
Elina Bloch
Yale University (Comparative Literature)
Representation of Childhood in the Writings of Charles Dickens
Kristen Block
Florida Atlantic University
Health, Disease, and the Enslaved Body in Thomas Thistlewood's Private Papers
Martin W. Bloomer
University of Notre Dame
Contemporary Readers and Responses to Erasmus's "Adagia"
Nicholas Boggs
Baldwin in Love
Rebecca Boggs
Yale University (English)
The Aesthetics of Intensity in Hopkins, Crane, and H.D.
Christopher Bond
Yale University (English and Renaissance Studies)
Dual Heroism and Christian Redemption in Spenser and Milton
Robert E. Bonner
Dartmouth College
Slaveownians Abroad: Southern Confederates on the Global Stage
American Literature at Dartmouth College