Melanie Chambliss
Yale University (African-American Studies and American Studies)
Saving the Race: Black Archives and their Conceputalization of African-American History, 1913-1969
Saving the Race: Black Archives, Black Liberation, and the Remaking of Modernity
Nathan Chaplin
University of Iowa
Surveying the Tropics, Constructing the Heartland: Identity Formation in Nicaragua and the Midwest
Erin D. Chapman
Yale University (African-American Studies and History)
Prove It On Me: The New Negro Woman in Popular Culture and Politics
John D. Charles
Yale University (Spanish & Portuguese)
Ladinidad and Religious Worship in Early Colonial Peru (1583-1650)
Pramit Chaudhuri
Yale University (Classics and Comparative Literature)
Theomachy: Ethical Criticism and the Struggle for Authority in Epic and Tragedy
Duncan Chesney
Yale University (Comparative Literature)
The Rhetorical and Social Setting of Proust's Recherche du temps perdu
Claudia Chierichini
Yale University (Italian)
Rude Mechanicals in Sixteenth-Century Siena: The "Congrega dei Rozzi"
Stuart Christie
Hong Kong Baptist University
Canonizing John Hersey
Sarah Cieglo
Yale University (History and Renaissance Studies)
Conscience in Early Modern England, 1500-1689
Sarah Clackson
Christ's College, Cambridge
Coptic and Greek papyri from the Monastery of Apollo at Bawit
Paula Clarke
McGill University
Florentine-Venetian Relations in the 15th Century
Alexander David Clayton
University of Michigan
The Living Animal: Biopower and Empire in the Atlantic Menagerie, 1760-1890
Manuel Clemens
Yale University (German)
Miniatures of Disinterestedness: A Small Theory of Aesthetic Education
Nicole Clifton
Northern Illinois University
A Prince Out of the North
Greg Clingham
Bucknell University
Memory, Nation, and Representation
Louise George Clubb
University of California, Berkeley
Italian Culture in Early Modern English Drama / Repertorio di una compagnia della commedia dell'arte
Radiclani Clytus
Touring the Empire: William Wells Brown and the Cultural Vision of Nineteenth-Century Modernity
Lara Cohen
Yale University (English)
American Artifice: Fraud and the Production of 19th-century Literature