Zachary Price
University of California, Irvine
Staging Freedom: Lloyd Richards and the Making of Modern Black Drama
Stephen Prince
Yale University (History)
After the Slave Power: Images of the South in Northern Culture, 1861-1900
Darren Provost
Yale University (History and Renaissance Studies)
Martin Bucer, Divorce and Social Change in Strasbourg in the Early Sixteenth Century
Christiana Purdy
Yale University (Italian)
Secular and Christian Medicine in the Divine Comedy
Carl Pyrdum
Yale University (Medieval Studies)
Before Arthur: Uther's Generation in the Arthurian Legends of England, France, and Germany
Megan Quigley
Yale University (English)
Modernist Fiction and the Re-instatement of the Vague
D. Michael Quinn
Independent Scholar
Peter Raccuglia
American Cosmos: Scale and Freedom in the Nineteenth Century
John Radner
George Mason University
Authority and Independence: A biography of the Johnson-Boswell relationship
Leigh Raiford
Yale University (African-American Studies and American Studies)
Photography and Twentieth Century African American Social Movements
Ayesha Ramachandran
Yale University (English and Renaissance Studies)
Rage for Order: Imaginary Worlds in Early Modern Literature and Philosophy
Renya Ramirez
University of California, Santa Cruz
The Cloud Family: The Lives and Activism of Henry Roe Cloud, Elizabeth Bender Clouid, and Woesha Cloud North
Claudia Rammelt
Yale University (Classics and Renaissance Studies)
The Impact of Ancient historiography on Renaissance historiography with a focus on Machiavelli's "Istorie Florentine"
Jennifer Rampling
University of Cambridge
Interpreting the 'Ripley Scrolls': Alchemy and Authority in England, 1450-1660
Christian Ratcliff
Yale University (East Asian Languages & Literatures)
The Asukai House: A Reassembled History of Multi-generational Cultural Achievement
Laura Rattray
University of Hull
Edith Wharton in Context
Timothy Raylor
Carleton College
An edition of the poems of Edmund Waller
Amy Reading
Yale University (American Studies)
Passing Strange - Autobiographical Hoaxes and American Identity
Agnieszka Rec
Alchemy and Learned Magic in Medieval Central Europe
Patrick Redding
Individuality and the Aesthetics of Democracy in the Poetry of Frost, Stevens, Crane & Moore