Milton Lamont Welch
North Carolina State University
Tortured Shadows: The Lynching Topos of US Modernist Poetry
Cheryl Welch
Simmons College
Gustave de Beaumont and the Rhetoric of Philanthropy
Michael Wenthe
Yale University (English)
Arthurian Outsiders: Heterogeneity and the Cultural Politics of Medieval Arthurian Literature
Cat Wentworth
Yale School of Art
Visible Bodies
William West
Northwestern University
Understanding and Confusion in the Elizabethan Theaters
Christopher Wheatley
Catholic University of America
Thornton Wilder, Religion, and Modernism
Vivien Whelpton
The life, achievements and influence of Bryher (Winifred Ellerman) (1894-1983)
Eric White
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
The Early Uncollected Prose of William Carlos Williams
Michael White
Richard Mutt: Case Review. Marcel Duchamp's 'Fountain' from the perspective of law
Kevin Wilkinson
Yale University (Religious Studies)
Papyrology: manuscript of fourth-century Greek epigrams (P.CtYBR inv. 4000)
Margaret Williamson
Dartmouth College
Thomas Thistlewood, Classical Learning and Slavery
Roxanne Willis
Yale University (American Studies)
Negotiating the North: Environment and Development on the Alaskan Frontier
Glenn Willumson
University of Florida
The Pictoral Legacy of the Trans-Continental Railroad
Isaiah Wilner
Yale University (History)
The Indigenous Influence on Global Thought, Through the Anthropologist Franz Boas
Kristina Wilson
Yale University (History of Art)
Exhibiting America: The Search for a National Art from the American Wing to the New York World's Fair
David Winters
University of Cambridge
A Critical Biography of James Purdy
Phil Withington
University of Sheffield
Practical Humanism and Everyday Life in Early Modern England